Monday, June 27, 2016

A Helpful Self-help EBook for You

I have authored and self-published a good self-help eBook, "How Ways to Ventilate Yourself Can Make You a Better Person".

In this little gem eBook, the author starts by asking you, the reader the question: "Have you ever been overloaded with overwhelm unable to concentrate on the trivial things in life anymore?" Then in her opinion, you are not alone. It has happened to the best of us. So how do you get around this problem? The answer is simple: Ventilate Yourself!! The author goes over tips on how to ventilate yourself in her book. She desires to make sure that you make a few of these your favorite things in your daily routines, execute them, and life will fall back into pace. You will be able to think clearly, focus on what needs to be done in both the short and long terms and above all, you will regain back the mojo of your life and get closer to your heart's desires. That way, obviously you will be working on yourself in positive and empowered ways, which in fact, will enable you to become a much better, fuller and richer person. So what are you waiting for? Simply dive yourself into the tips by visiting the following link:

 How Ways to Ventilate Yourself Can Make You a Better Person

All the best,

Sunday, June 19, 2016

A Good, Entertaining Fiction Story

I have authored a fiction story, titled as "The Mystery Girl" on which is a safe, secure and popular website. Here below I give a glimpse of the fiction.

The book starts with the birth of Pinky (later to be known among others as, "The Mystery Girl"), an adorable girl with pinky cheeks and therefore, her name. Mommy and Daddy took great care of her until they brought a second new born soon into the family. Pinky, being the sole attention of the family so far, envied her sister, who gradually grabbed all the attention. 

However, it was not long before the two sisters became great friends and held hands together wherever they went, and it became impossible to set them apart. When Pinky went to school at age six, she missed her then best friend, her sister very much.
But soon she made great friends and started to love school and her teachers. 

She made another two shifts of school, and in her third school, Pinky did not perform too well academically unlike her sister. So she got very unhappy about it, and this had consequences on her O-level and A-level results. 

As she enrolled in an Engineering University, she decided to be happy and became ambitious, making it a point to be at the very top of her class, while making special friends and helping her classmates all through. And boy, was this a perfect antidote for her!! She did get to the top of her class brilliantly, setting an example for others and also, making up for her previous grievances. 

The university immediately took her as a faculty member right after her graduation for her exceptional results. Even imparting lectures to her students was a great success for Pinky, and soon she became very popular among her students.

 She went abroad for higher education and came back to join her old job, from which she was on study leave. In the span of her career, she made two prompt promotions and was greatly envied by others.

One semester, when she was planning on how to end the semester fruitfully by taking final quizzes, assignments and giving the last lectures, and also about rounding up her research with her thesis and project final year students, a streak of thunder and lightening struck her from a bolt out of the blues, and Pinky realized she was being challenged in life. 

This was too much for her to bear and she decided for a change of places with a change in jobs, which is why she started applying abroad for the post of faculty member in universities. Why was she suddenly challenged in life, she being such a capable, dedicated and caring teacher? What is the mystery and suspense behind her title, "The Mystery Girl" everywhere she went and attended.

All the best,
P.S You are invited to visit my brand new facebook page and do NOT forget to like my page. Click here.

Monday, June 13, 2016

A Rare Collection Fiction Story

I have authored a fiction story, titled, "Near The Mediterranean Sea", which is a rare one in my collections. You will find it on which is a pretty safe and clean site.

This story describes the bonds we grew with people foreign to us, yet kept sharing our moments with them until the very end. Yes, in short, it describes how our own family bonds got strengthened where we stayed for six whole months near the Mediterranean Sea. After that we were coming back to our country but our love among us, our love for those people and their love for us made everything so sad and sweet at the end, which makes it all an unforgettable and beautiful imprint in our memories.

Here is the link:

Near the Mediterranean Sea

All the best,
By the way, you are invited to visit my facebook page, which is brand new, and do NOT forget to like the page. => Click here

Monday, June 6, 2016

A Spelendid Fiction Story

I have authored a splendid fiction story in my collection, titled, "Pamela's Family Doctor". You are free to download it and enjoy a pleasant reading.

This short fiction story describes the strength in bonding of Pamela with her family doctor. Yet when he moves out of town for reasons of his own, Pamela grieves a lot.Read on to find out how Pamela finds strength to move on with hope and light. What are you waiting for? Click the following link:

Pamela's Family Doctor

All the best,

By the way, you are invited to visit my new facebook page and do NOT forget to like the page. =< click here