Sunday, May 6, 2018

The Dummies' Guide to Compiler Design EBook

I have authored a book titled, “The Dummies’ Guide to Compiler Design” in May, 2018. This book is purely based on the underlying principles of a compiler that is used to compile a high-level program. The book also shows step by step how to design a compiler ultimately.

While students in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) field or any other equivalent field program in high-level languages and run their programs in editors using a compiler, they do need to understand the mysteries and complexities about how a compiler functions. And the best way to do that is to grasp the underlying principles and actually design a compiler in lab.

This is where this book comes into the picture. In a simple, lucid way, the content of this book is made available to the students of CSE or any other equivalent program so that they can understand and grab all the concepts behind Compiler Design conveniently and thoroughly.

Now the principles and theory behind designing a compiler presented in this book are nothing new and they are presented as they have always been known but the real difference lies in the fact that they have been outlined in a really simple and easy-to-understand way.

You can download a free complimentary copy of the book from the following link:

Here is the ecover of the book:

All the best,

By the way, you are invited to visit her Facebook page which contains a collection of her books based on fiction, self-help and academic guides as well as you can view links of articles, inspirational messages and large images of my book ecovers. Here is the link. When you do visit the link of my Facebook page, please remember to like it. Thanks in advance!!


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